You Know This Problem Too Well
Each & every one of us knows at least three people who’ve had a bad experience with their Islamic classes. A few people we interviewed even joked: “Well, who hasn’t?”

Muallim Faizul,
Principal of SoulDigest.
Educator by heart, storyteller by profession, Leader By Nature
B.A Arabic Lang & Lit, Quran & Sunnah, IIUM
Too many of us have had negative experiences while learning about Islam, leaving us feeling disconnected & confused.
But our children (& us) don't have to go down that road anymore.
Here's how we're fixing it
Starting with our Purpose.

Structure Joyful Programs
that are so good, others copy us!

Inspire Confidence
to inspire action & devotion!

Build Safe Spaces
for our community to grow together!
Guided by our Values.
Leading the future of Islamic Education in the present
Practical knowledge you can apply to lifestyle
Classical in approach, creative in delivery
Serving you beyond programs
Come as you are, ask what you wish
And we've been listening.
"I wish I can be as confident & cool as that influencer"

"I wish I can be a proud & competent Muslim in practice"

Undecided? A teaser is what you need.
"I want to learn about solah in a fun & engaging way"

"I want to know how I can navigate my teenage years gracefully"

Thank you for trusting us in bringing back joy & structure to your learning.
Our community of collaborators

Wanna do more in leading the future of Islamic Education today??

Umar Shakur (12)
Everything they share is right, and you will know more about solah and praise!

Yasmin Hani Richardson, Noah Ismail Wong (9)
We hope schools can have this approach. It’s fun plus they learn faster!
Noah Ismail Wong (9)
Good storytelling, the know why we need to solat instead of scaring us kids why if we don’t. Fun and games all in the name of learning hows and whys of the gift of solat. Thank you Muallim Faizul and SoulDigest team! 🙏🏼💙

Shera Aiyob, Nadi Anaqi (10)
Anaqi enjoyed it so much! After the program, he shares what he’s learned. He lets me listen to his solah recitations, why we have to pray, wudhu, and other things that he did. MasyaAllah TabarakAllah.
Nadi Anaqi (10)
Thank you SoulDigest for making this awesome program! I really enjoyed this. Hope to see you again, SoulDigest. Thank you, bye!

Nadiya Nisaa, Omar (12)
I’m so happy to see all of the Kids here really enjoying the program & instructors. I hope the other parents will also come here and send their Kids with an open mind. We’re so looking forward to their next next next courses, right? Yes!
Omar (12)
The best thing here is that you feel encouraged to do more. I think if you want to know more about solah, you must come to Pray & Praise!

Lisa Surihani, Yahaira Leanne (8)
Seeing how the team from SoulDigest makes learning seem so fun and relatable, where kids can understand it at their capacity, I felt that this is the help that a lot of parents need!

Yana Khairuddin, Hana (10)
We’ve sent our Kids to many Islamic classes but I think SoulDigest right now is the best because they use the simplest words for Kids to understand Islam better!